Tag: Home Safety

Posted on 03/04/2024
Room revamp: Quick tips for turning your home office into a baby nursery
When expanding your family, it's always a good idea to consider the space you have available. If you've relocated or upgraded your home office to a new space in the house but still have the remnants of your old office lingering in a decent sized room, you can repurpose it into a baby's nursery. Here are a few...
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Posted on 01/29/2024
Weatherproofed homes: 7 Key takeaways from home weatherproofing
Weatherproofing your home can have enormous benefits,...
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Posted on 01/15/2024
A Basic Guide to Flood Safety
Floods are among the most common natural disasters homeowners contend with. Since flooding can be caused by many things--hurricanes, heavy rain, thawing snow and more--your home may be at risk no matter where you live. Luckily, there are plenty of simple measures you can take to prepare for a possible flood and stay safe during one. Here are...
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Posted on 10/02/2023
Safegaurd your home with a lightning protection system
When a lightning bolt hits a property, it can do an...
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Posted on 06/26/2023
Electrical wiring safety tips: When to call a professional
While many homeowners would prefer to either ignore or...
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Posted on 03/13/2023
3 Hurricane Safety Tips You Should Know
Hurricanes of all sizes can be dangerous. No matter how serious the storm is, there are guidelines you should follow to stay safe at home. Here are some safety tips to remember during a hurricane: Stay Away From Windows If you aren't required to evacuate your home, the best place to be is inside and away from windows....
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Posted on 11/14/2022
Fireplace Safety 101: Basic Tips for Homeowners
A functional fireplace is an extremely sought-after feature in any home. Regardless of the climate, a fireplace can provide a special coziness and warmth for everyone to enjoy. However, it's important to practice fireplace safety habits and keep up with maintenance. Here are some basic tips for safely enjoying your fireplace at home: Minimize Soot Buildup Chimney sweeping...
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Posted on 07/25/2022
The First Questions to Ask About a New Neighborhood
Buying the house itself is only part of home buying. When you buy a new home, you choose a brand new place to live. In some cases, that place might be unfamiliar or far away from where you lived before. So, it's important to keep the local area in mind during your search. But how can you determine...
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Posted on 06/13/2022
Home safety: How to protect your home while you're away
When you go away on vacation, the last thing you want to do is worry about dealing with a break-in or property damage when you come back. Fortunately, there are several ways you can protect your home from break-ins, fires, floods and other dangers when you're away. The following tips can help you keep your home as safe...
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Posted on 03/28/2022
Summer fun: How to keep your summer fun and safe
Summer holidays provide the perfect time to enjoy sunshine, fresh air and time with loved ones. When you're celebrating these holidays, it's important to make sure everyone stays as safe as possible. Here are a few ways to keep your summer safe and fun. Grill with safety in mind Summer holidays often mean having an outdoor meal with...
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Posted on 01/17/2022
Home safety tips for seniors
Seniors face increasing risks of injuries as they get older. When you have a senior member of your household, it's important to make sure your home is safe for them. If you're the senior in your home, try these safety measures: Eliminate fall hazards Falls are one of the top causes of serious injuries. Go through your home...
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Posted on 12/06/2021
Flood Prevention for Your Home
Flooding can cause significant damage to your home and even make it uninhabitable in worst-case scenarios. Floods can lead to mold growth, wood rot and other types of water damage that can be costly to repair. Taking steps to prevent floods from occurring can protect your home from this kind of damage. Use these flood prevention tips to...
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