Tag: Fireplace

Posted on 06/10/2024
Trends: Fireplace designs that won't quit
When interior designers or architects design fireplaces,...
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Posted on 11/14/2022
Fireplace Safety 101: Basic Tips for Homeowners
A functional fireplace is an extremely sought-after feature in any home. Regardless of the climate, a fireplace can provide a special coziness and warmth for everyone to enjoy. However, it's important to practice fireplace safety habits and keep up with maintenance. Here are some basic tips for safely enjoying your fireplace at home: Minimize Soot Buildup Chimney sweeping...
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Posted on 11/15/2021
Fireplaces: Ideas for Your New Mantel
A fireplace mantel can enhance the appearance of your living room or den while also giving you a place to decorate and display items. While some fireplaces come with mantels, others don’t have one. If your fireplace doesn’t have a mantel, you’re not out of luck. With a few tools and materials, you can build your own fireplace...
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Posted on 12/07/2020
Selecting a Fireplace
Image by Breadmaker from Shutterstock A fireplace is a cozy addition for a home that can add aesthetic value as well as warmth to your space. Whether you’re building new, retrofitting, or shopping for the perfect home there are options for most situations. You’ll find many design options as you start to shop but the initial consideration should...
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