Tag: Gardening

Posted on 11/27/2023
Is an Attached Greenhouse Right for You?
Pergolas and covered patios are wonderful during the warmer parts of the year. While humans can bundle up and build a fire, even a covered outdoor space cannot protect your garden from harsh winter temperatures. If you're interested in finding ways to keep growing your veggies, flowers and other plants all year long, consider building a lean-to greenhouse....
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Posted on 01/02/2023
Why build a greenhouse?
If you want to get the most out of their gardening regardless of climate, one of the best ways is to build a greenhouse. Greenhouses come in many styles and can be built to fit your specific needs. Whether you own a few plants or maintain an entire garden, here are some of the biggest reasons to consider...
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Posted on 12/05/2022
DIY concrete guide: Make your own box planters
DIY concrete projects are a great way to increase your home improvement skills, while providing meaningful concrete crafts that could help you stay organized for years to come. However, concrete DIY projects can often seem daunting, but they can be as easy as any other DIY project. For example, try turning an old cardboard box into a custom...
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Posted on 04/18/2022
How to Plant Your First Kitchen Garden
Planting a kitchen garden will teach you valuable gardening skills while helping you produce your own fresh foods. However, for beginners it might seem intimidating. If you're interested in planting your first kitchen garden, here are some tips to get you started. Start Out Small You may have seen many elaborate gardens trending online, but it's important that...
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Posted on 04/11/2022
Neighborhoods: How to create a beautiful community garden together
Community gardening offers a slew of benefits such as creating green space, growing fresh food and maintaining native species, to name a few. They also bring communities together and help build strong relationships with your neighbors, all while helping to keep your neighborhood looking fantastic. But how do you get started beautifying the neighborhood with a community garden?...
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Posted on 04/04/2022
3 Ways Victory Gardens Can Benefit You
Victory gardens have been a tradition ever since the first World War. Growing your own vegetables, fruits and other edible crops at home can have major benefits, no matter the size and complexity of your garden. Here are some of the top reasons victory gardens are still beneficial in a modern world: Know Exactly What’s In Your Food...
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